We decided to hit up the art museum, since it was open and free! (add it to the list of fun, free stuff to do in KC!) It wasn't nearly as fun as the sculpture park, but we found some pieces we liked...
This was my "Gnome with Snail" of the Kansas City Art Museum- I saw it in the brochure and had to find it...
Then we headed to the old Kansas City Train Station, which was very beautiful...
but, according to my dad, was supposed to be like a mall inside, and it wasn't...
This is a war memorial across the street. Dad told me to take a picture so it looked like we went there...(note the beautiful weather...that will change my friend.)
Then we headed back to get ready for a cold, wet baseball game. We got to the park when we thought the gates would open- two hours early. Turns out they only open 1 1/2 hours early. Fail. But we got a ride from our parking spot to the entrance of the stadium on a golf cart. Win!
It was very cold and cloudy, I was wearing my long johns! But we got to see batting practice again, from right in front of the dugout!!
My main man Maggs, and my boy Brandon were taking batting practice at the same time.
I also heard Gene Lamont call Gerald Laird "G-Money" which pretty much made my life!
I asked Maggs to sign my batting practice ball for me, but he said later and later never came :( But Johnny Damon signed a few autographs, so I got his :) I called Porch's name (Rick, not Porch) when he came off the field, but he didn't hear me (or did and didn't look up, but I choose to believe the former). So it's a good thing I didn't wear the wedding dress we found earlier at a flea market to the game in hopes that Porch would want to marry me right then and there...
After BP we went up to our seats and were amazed there was a guy sitting right next to us as there was nobody in the whole place. Then this guy with a headset asked if we'd like to be the seat upgrade people and we were like totes yes! So they made us sign a form and made Dad take off his Tigers hat :) Then they told us what we had to do. After the top of the first inning they came and filmed us and this random guy getting super excited about our tickets and we were on the honkin' screen!!! Hopefully we didn't look too dumb.
Then we got to ride down to our first level seats in a heated elevator, which we very much appreciated, because it was fahreezing!! And at that point raining. Our new seats were just under the overhang Yay! Plus we got free Digiorno (sp?) pizza. The Tigs lost the game in extra innings but Cabrera hit a ninth inning-two out- two strike homer to tie the game which was exciting!
Then we went back to the hotel and crashed before our early morning flight!
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