About Me

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I am a twenty-something second year teacher living in the midwest. I am a Christian woman and proud of it! I am the middle child of three girls. I am the proud aunt of the very beautiful Lil E and Lil C!! I love TV, movies, reading, and baseball. I am in my second year of teaching , but my first year teaching kindergarten. It has been quite the journey!

03 January 2010

Princess and the Frog

On New Year's Day the girls in my family always go to a movie together. The tradition started when we were little and my dad would watch football all day. That was boring so my mom would take us to the movies. We've continued the tradition, even after my big sis moved away.

This year We were very excited to the Princess and the Frog. We love a good Disney movie, especially one with Princesses, Princes and pretty dresses.

I loved the movie! Nobody does a Princess movie like Disney! The music was great. I loved the jazz and zydeco and was dancing in my seat. It was so much fun.

I love, love, love Tiana's pretty green dress. Lil sis and I were so sad that she only got to wear it for like two minutes. It is my second favorite Disney princess dress, right after Belle of couse (my mom is going to make me a Belle dress for a Halloween costume once I'm a teacher :) The Prince isn't too bad himself. Of course I loved the French accent!

I was a bit disappointed that the first African-American Princess was a frog for most of the movie, but whatev, I guess you take what you can get.

I have to admit I almost cried at one point. If you haven't seen the movie, stop reading, I am going into spoiler territory.

There is an adorable little Cajun firefly named Ray.

There he is- such a cutie. And he is in love with a "firefly" Evangeline who is really a star, but he doesn't know that. While trying to rescue Tiana and the Prince, Ray gets stepped on and eventually dies. It was soooooooo sad and I got all teary :( But then it was super cute because when he died the ended up in the sky right next to Evangeline. It was so adorable!!! I tried to find a picture, but couldn't fine one...

Anyway, go see the movie it was fabulous and a really great girls' night movie!!!
p.s. all pictures are copyright of Disney

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