Here is a step-by-step tutorial of how the Bean Family carved our pumpkin this year. We tried to be experimental and light our pumpkin with blue LED battery-powered Christmas lights. It didn't turn out quite how we'd hoped, but we got lots of comments on it from trick-or-treaters and their parents.
We didn't carve our pumpkin until Halloween day, because we're slackers...
Step 1-
Paint an Olde English D on the pumpkin with runny blue tempra paint (really, it's better if the paint isn't runny, but you work with what you've got.
Step 2-
Cut off the top and scoop out the pumpkin seeds (to be roasted later).
Step 3-
Have Momma get out all the gooky stuff.
Step 4-
Have Daddy scrape all of the strings out.
Step 5-
Drill holes into the pumpkin for the lights to poke through.
Step 6-
Insert the lights into the holes you drilled.
Step 7-
Turn the lights on!
Sadly you can't really tell what shape the lights are supposed to be making once it gets dark out... but here's one with the flash where you can still see the D painted.
Here are a couple pics of me dressed up in the fab Belle costume Momma made me (she is the best!!!) When I wore it at school I didn't have the long-sleeved shirt, but it was fuh-reezing last night!!! I ended up wearing gloves and hat, handing out candy!!
Of course Belle has to be reading! Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
The thoughts and ramblings of a girl called Jillibean. I love tv, movies, books, baseball, my family and friends and that's what this blog's about!
About Me
- Jillibean
- I am a twenty-something second year teacher living in the midwest. I am a Christian woman and proud of it! I am the middle child of three girls. I am the proud aunt of the very beautiful Lil E and Lil C!! I love TV, movies, reading, and baseball. I am in my second year of teaching , but my first year teaching kindergarten. It has been quite the journey!
LOVE the pumpkins, that's so cool!