About Me

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I am a twenty-something second year teacher living in the midwest. I am a Christian woman and proud of it! I am the middle child of three girls. I am the proud aunt of the very beautiful Lil E and Lil C!! I love TV, movies, reading, and baseball. I am in my second year of teaching , but my first year teaching kindergarten. It has been quite the journey!

22 January 2013

How I Love Dylan Saunders

Oh, Dylan Saunders, How I love you!

How I love your cute, cute face and these awesome new photos on your website.

How your beautiful voice makes me swoon and ask if it is blasphemous to prefer your version of Sami to Darren Criss's! How Lil Sis and I have oft discussed getting Dylan to sing at her wedding, because his voice is amazeballs.

How hilariously perfect your Dumbledore is.

How amazingly strong your arms must have been to play Pincer during Starship.

How adorably you played Tootsie Noodles/Tootsie MegaGirl and made us forget the part was originally intended for Darren before he got Glee and how well you sang in The Way I Do.

How excited Lil Sis and I were to see you wandering around the crowd at the ball Saturday night at Leaky Con. How I thought I saw you making your way through the crowd, tried to tell Lil Sis, but she didn't believe me at first. How we gave you hugs and told you how much we loved the show. How pumped we were about this encounter.

How much I love listening to this song you sang with Jim and Povolos. And how excited I was when this song played on iTunes directly followed by your version of Sami. I was in heaven!
w I hope that the fact that you've moved to LA doesn't mean you stop doing Starkid things, but that you will in fact make a solo ablum which I will buy immediately for everyone I know!

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