About Me

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I am a twenty-something second year teacher living in the midwest. I am a Christian woman and proud of it! I am the middle child of three girls. I am the proud aunt of the very beautiful Lil E and Lil C!! I love TV, movies, reading, and baseball. I am in my second year of teaching , but my first year teaching kindergarten. It has been quite the journey!

08 September 2010

So Far, So Good!

I have survived the first two days of school! Although I am pretty tuckered out, they've been good. Exhausting, but good.

I was amazed at how well I slept Monday night, with school starting Tuesday. I usually sleep so poorly when I'm nervous, but Monday night I was out until I woke up twenty minutes before my alarm. Same thing Tuesday night, but then I was tired out from the long day!

So far things have been going really well. Sure, I've learned it takes awhile for 18 boys to use 5 bathroom stalls, but we're learning as we go!

I just love my students (and my CT and everyone at the school!) They are such cuties and even though they're in third grade, some of them are so small! One little girl today was trying to reach a sharpie that was on a high shelf. I asked if she needed help and she said, "No, I can reach, but I am pretty tiny." So cute and so true! But she's just adorable, with her pigtails and purple plaid outfit!

There is one little guy that has stolen my heart. He is adorable, polite, shy, but smart. Today he said two things that made my CT and I crack up. First we were talking about Elvis and how he was a singer. This lil guy raised his hand and said, "He brought rock and roll into people's lives." So great. Then later he was asked who was a person he looked up to. His answer, "I think I'm going to have to go with Jesus." Love him!

Love them all really :)

Another little guy, when asked who he looked up to, responded, "My cat." ...

I've also really enjoyed helping get the Kindergarteners to and from their classrooms/buses in the morning and afternoon. They're so cute and excited for school!

One of our younger male teachers saw me walking in with a little kindergarten cutie on Tuesday and said, "You can tell you're meant to do this." He's such a sweet guy and I was really touched when he said that. That he could tell that this is what I'm meant to do. And he's gone out of his way to be super welcoming and friendly, so bad he's married :) But I've got my eyes on our male long-term sub... :)

1 comment:

  1. P.S. I took a picture of my fab teacher outfit from the first day, but it's still on my camera...


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