I was inspired by the my life timelines that Lauren and Kari have written.
1988- During one of the hottest summers on record, Jillibean is born! Momma was miserable until I was born and everyone (including me) was miserable whenever they had to hold me for the next two months. I basically lived in diapers for the first two months of my life...
1989-I turned one and discovered the deliciousness that is chocolate cake.
1990- Lil Sis is born. Jillibean is only 22 months old, so I had lots of fun poking my fingers into her eyes, nose, ears, etc.
1991- I started preschool at the Catholic school Momma taught at. I spent the rest of my time at our wonderful babysitter Jeanne's house. I met my first best friend, Renee.
1992- I attended four-year old preschool. Renee taught me how to buckle my shoes.
1993-I turned five. For my birthday party I went to see Snow White at the movies with a couple of friends.
1994-While Jeanne and Amy were late getting back from a preschool field trip, I waited after kindergarten with my friend Andy. As we were waiting our classroom chicks started hatching and we got to see it! We thought we were so awesome, because we were the only people in our class to see them hatch. This fall I started first grade at the public school near my house.
1995- When I turned seven I had my first sleepover with Renee. I started second grade and met my elementary school best friend, Ashley. When Ashley got to the classroom, the only open seat was next to me, so she sat down, and the rest is history. Momma started teaching at my school, but I was still super homesick for her. Most mornings I would cry as I walked down to my second grade classroom. Ashley would ask me every morning if I cried and usually I would say no, even though the answer was yes.
1996- I went on a plane for the first time, to get to my uncle's wedding in Texas. I had a pool party birthday party, except it was only like 50 degrees in July! Yikes, of course our eight year old selves jumped in.
1997-Started fourth grade, with one of my favorite teachers ever, Mrs. W. We started looking for a new house to move into. We celebrated our last Christmas at our house.
1998- The weekend of the Women's Figure Skating Finals at the Nagano Olympics we moved into a brand new house. Lil Sis and I got our own rooms. We all woke up super early to watch the skating finals live. I was sooooooooooooo excited when Tara Lipinski won, Big Sis was very sad that Michelle Kwan lost. In July, I turned double digits!!
1999-I graduated from fifth grade and started middle school. I was sooooo nervous about starting middle school, it seemed so scary. I started playing the clarinet.
2000- The world exploded... oh wait, Y2K turned out to be a bust. The family went on a trip to Disneyworld. Lil Sis was finally old enough to remember the trip, Momma and Daddy's requirement for us to go. So much fun!
2001-I went on my first band trip to Niagra Falls. The three-day trip was the longest I'd ever been away from home and I was super nervous before we left, but I had a blast with my band friends. I became a crazy teenager!!
2002-My second band trip to Mackinac Island. It was a super quick trip, only one day and it snowed... Started High School, also very scary. Went to band camp, of course I was homesick :) Our band did a Beatles show.
2003- Went on a High School Band trip to Chicago. We were supposed to go to Toronto, but it was full of SARS. I think this is the year we went to Hilton Head Island for vacation. Such a relaxing vacation, basically we laid on the beach and read all day for a week! Big Sis graduated from high school and started college. I started my Sophomore year of high school. Band camp rocked and we did this fabulous, show that no one's never heard of.
2004-I turned 16 and got my driver's license!!! My cousin Jared was adopted. Watched the Detroit Tigers play on Opening Day and got hooked. I started my junior year of high school. Our fabulously fantastic homecoming float featuring Venice came in a devastating last place. The float featured moving gondolas and a fountain of water... Was in a huge fight/deep freeze with one of my besties for half the year.
2005- I got voted the president of National Honor Society. I started visiting colleges and applying to schools. Went on a band trip to New York. Five great days with some wonderful friends! Went to Europe with my sisters. We traveled to Germany, Italy, Switzerland and Austria for ten days. So much fun! Started working at k-Mart My senior year of high school. Made up with said feuding friend :) Got accepted to all three schools I applied to.
2006- I graduated from high school as the Valedictorian. I got to give a speech at graduation. Spent a rockin' summer trying not to freak out about going to college. Went away to school. Met Laura H when she wandered into my door room asking if anyone wanted to go for a walk. Missed my family like crazy. Cheered like crazy when Magglio and his fabulous curly hair put the Tigers in the World Series and Pollie hopped like a fool around the bases. My cousin Rach was adopted. Rushed onto the field after our football team won the National Semi-Final game. Watched on TV as our team won the National Championship!!!
2007-Had an awesome weekend snowed in at school. Went to Tigers Spring Training in Florida with Big Sis. Came home for the summer, worked at K-Mart some more. Big Sis graduated from college and got a job out of state. We missed her like crazy. Went back for my sophomore year of college. Lived in an on-campus apartment. Got a job working at a church nursery.
2008- When I came home from school I got a job at the daycare I still work at. Fell in love with three fabulous 18 month olds. Lil Sis graduated from high school and went off to college. Went back to school for my junior year. Lived in the same on-campus apartment with two of the same girls. We adopted a large stuffed monkey, Cody.
2009- Went on a Spring Break mission trip to Knoxville, Tennesse with 15 amazing women of God. It was a blessing to work with the girls at the Florence Crittenton Agency. Big Sis got engaged!! Studied Abroad in the Netherlands for a month. Met some truly amazing people and got to visit England, Ireland, France and Belgium. Started my senior year of college after working at the day care again. Lived in a different off-campus apartment with one of the same girls. Big Sis and BIL got married and I was a bridesmaid. Rushed out on the field as our team won the national semi-finals again. At Christmas we found out that Big Sis was pregnant!!!
2010- Teacher Assisted in a fifth grade class. Went to Kansas City with Momma and Daddy for Tigers Opening Day. Moved home for the summer/for good. Worked at the daycare. Lil E was born! We spent a week getting to know her. Student taught in a third grade class. Graduated, got a long-term subbing job in a first grade classroom.
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